Welsh 3000s transport services
Want a taxi service to welsh 3000s? Snowdonia Taxi Ltd offers taxi services to clients in Llanberis, transporting you to any of the 15 mountains.
Mini bus transport
Local, family-run business
Modern, well cared for vehicles
Taxi transportation for Welsh 3000s
The welsh 3000s are the 15 mountains in Wales with height over 3,000 feet. A classic challenge is attempted by many that consists of walking or running from the first peak to the last. This trek is arguably the ultimate challenge that trekkers from around the world like to attempt. The length of this challenge is about 26 miles (42 km). If you are in Llanberis and want to try the Welsh 3000s challenge, we can organise the transportation for you.

Offering more than just transport
Going on a hike? We can drop and pick you up from the hike point. If you have decided to take alternative routes on your hike and need to get back to your vehicle or place of stay, we are more than happy to accommodate without any additional charges and will come to you. Our drivers have good knowledge of the area and are familiar with prime hiking locations within Snowdonia. Even if you are lost, give us a call!

What we can offer:
Transport for 3 peak challenge
Shuttles to all routes of Snowdon
Train and ferry transfers from all major stations and ports such as Bangor, Llandudno and Holyhead.
“Snowdonia Taxi ensured transfers from our 2 venues for our wedding day. They were very organised and great with our guests. Would recommend if you are looking for group transportation in North Wales, they were spot on!”
Get in touch with our dedicated team of taxi drivers!
Want to book a cab for your tour in Snowdonia? Simply call our number below to book or for extra information regarding our services.